Tonight is Halloween, Kae's dressing up at Snow White Ballerina. It's a generic store purchased costume, which makes me feel bad, as crafty as i'd like to see myself, my child still wears walmart costumes. At least there will be candy!
As for my knitting, i'm popping out scarves left and right. Currently i have a Scarflette in Montana Sky Blue (LB Homespun colorway) blocking and cast on for an Iowa Hawkeyes colors scarf. Monday my LB shipment will come, and in that happy little box of fun, i have a whole ball of Silk Mohair all for my very own self to play with. I'm making myself a lace scarf, my first lace project and my first planned project for myself!
I'm also looking at this ball of sock yarn in front of me wondering if i'm brave enough to attempt dpns to try and make sock yarn wrist warmers. we'll see /shrug