So this morning i went to Marsh Point Elementary School (after dropping Kaeley off at PBGES for class) to attend Kindergarten Roundup. When i was telling my friends (And Ross) about this, the response i got was, what's kindergarten round up?
well they give you a tour of the school and you meet the teachers and get to ask any questions you need.
It was informative. OMGILUVTHISSKOOL!
First off we met the principle and assistant principle, both VERY nice, chatty women, then we got split up and saw a couple K classrooms and met the teaching staff. Got to tour the rest of the rooms the kids would spend time in.
Just to show a couple things that stuck out that i thought was super cool.
These kids get a full science kindergarten!
There is a STUDENT RUN TV production program for the 4Th and 5Th graders, it's how they do the morning announcements.
Starting in 3rd grade the students can join band, I'm not talking your normal music class, I'm talking full on concert band...or chorus should they so choose. /boggle.
Each student is guaranteed 35 minutes of computer time a week in one of 3, yes 3, computer labs. The Media center has 25 iPads that all students, K-5 get to use at least once a week. They also get Art and PE.
To Move or Not To Move....that really is the question....