Sunday, March 3, 2013

Loggerhead Marine Life Center

Yesterday our 2nd year Daisy Troop went to the South Florida Marine Life Center. Locally we call it the loggerhead center or "the turtle place".

The local GS council offers a patch program for the girls to earn. We were lucky, one of our moms works for the president of the center's board, so we got a super special video, and a tour, including the medical center.

The center took in 15 of the cape cod frostbite turtles and have already rehabbed and released 5.

Unfortunately the girls are still too young to go to the night walks to watch the turtles lay eggs. But we found out there have already been 2 nests by leatherbacks this season. (And a ton of other turtle related stats!)

Leatherback turtles are Medusavores. This called because they live on....jellyfish!

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