Wednesday, February 4, 2015

This is only a test

 My little bubba, Connor, will be 3 in just a couple weeks (2/22). He's getting so big, so fast ::sigh::

When you ask him what he wants for his birthday, the answers are pretty simple. He wants Pixar Planes, and the second one, Fire and Rescue. He wants cars, all the cars. And he wants a new baby.

This is his old baby. It's huge and bulky, and has a slot in its back for a Wii remote. It's the baby from "Babysitting Mama", and technically it's Kae's. (He and baby are watching Teen Titans)

This baby watches tv with him, plays cars and trains, eats meals, and cuddles after bath time. He loves it.

So I decided that for his birthday, we'd get him a new baby. I knew the grandparents probably wouldn't. And my friends, while progressive, aren't going to drop $30 on a doll.

So we went to that bastion of everything: Walmart (I needed milk too lol)

The trip started really well! We hit the toy aisle and found a few little baby sets, I couldn't find alllll the baby dolls, but I wasn't worried. 

The nice lady who was stocking shelves helped me out when I asked her, "do you have any BOY babies?" 

Turns out they had exactly one. One cabbage patch kid named Conner (o.m.g. It looks just like my Connor too!!!)

Buddy was so happy! 

He sat in the cart while I picked up the
rest of our stuff, talking to his new friend. Telling Conner all about their cars and trains, and bath time. 

My son stays home with me. He doesn't spend a lot of time with other kids except his sister. You might think it's sad that this doll is his new friend. But I don't. I see my 3 year old who's excited to share with new "people". 

The first test came from the young tattooed mom in the chef boyardee are. 

Connor: this is my new baby!
Lady: really...(looks at me) is he?..
Me: what? Going to be a daddy someday?
Lady: oh! I guess you're right ::nervous laugh::

Really? He's broken because he wants a doll? Whatever lady. 

The last two tests of patience happened in the checkout line. 

A little old lady tried to tell connor he wanted a bike instead (which he does anyway). But he would not be put off "this is MY new baby"

And the other was the cashier. A woman of about 40. 

Connor: can I have my baby please?
(She'd put it on the bag spinner, so I put it into the cart)
Cashier: oh is it for your sister?
Connor: no! Is my new baby!
Me: yes bubba, this is for your birthday!

Don't push me lady.

I was pretty sure her eyes were going to pop out of her head. 

I am not a crazy crunchy mom. We don't really go out of our way to force gender neutral toys. But I'm a firm believer that all toys are gender neutral anyway. My daughter likes dinosaurs, my son likes dolls.

My kids will not catch the gay from toys. If they turn out gay, they were born that way, and I will love them no matter what. 

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