Friday, August 3, 2012

Spoilers - politics

Disclaimer: while I generally leave politics out of my blog, I feel the need to chime in on the chik-fil-a anti-gay comments.

One, I support gay marriage and rights, I need to get that out right away. Some of my very best friends are gay or lesbian. And even a few of them are die hard Christians. I love them anyway :P


One person, the CEO of the chicken giant made a comment. And now franchisees are suffering.

Both my husband and my brother have worked for a fast food franchise, brother still does. Ross quit working for panera because of the franchise owners racist, sexist policy. He didn't feel right. I don't blame him, I'm proud of him for standing by his morals and teaching our daughter that that shit just isn't ok. But those are not the views of the entire company, just the franchise in Florida. So we eat there very very rarely.

If someone at corporate makes a mistake, the owners of the franchise who don't necessarily have the same views or ideals, shouldn't be punished for it. So by boycotting a place because of one idiot's views, you may be causing 50 people to lose vital income. Some of them might even be those gays everyone is boycotting chicken to protect.

Chik-fil-a supports PBS kids. They offer educational kids meal toys, not with the intention of luring children in with spongebob or teenie beanie babies. They try to encourage reading with comic books, children's books, they offer educational cd-rom games for kids, and art projects. And so few, if any, have Christian themes (except veggie tales).

I will not buy chik-fil-a. But I also don't think thousands of people should have to suffer because of one idiot. I don't think a fast food chicken place has any place in politics, especially one as publicly religious as chik fil a, closed on Sunday's, I mean really.

I'm not going to mention this again, but it's been bugging me how crazy people are getting. My parents taught me to think before I act.

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