Tuesday, May 7, 2013


There are days when I think that I'm letting kae down. Because she doesn't have extra curricular activities like the rest of the girls she knows.

Every time I consider a class or activity, I see other moms trying to collaborate schedules, and no one can agree on anything because they have so much other shit to do. They're all "dance, tennis, golf, music, gymnastics, horseback riding, play date, birthday party" and I'm sitting there like, nope...knitting and gaming, and I can miss both of those.

We go to the library, and the park. Kae is into reading, and her garden.

On one hand I feel like I'm letting her down. But on the other I feel like I'm doing my best to encourage what she's interested in /sigh

I hate this school and these parents. And I really hate the stupid mommy wars.

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