Saturday, March 13, 2010


So the last week or so i've been doing mondo research on spinning wheels.

I thought i had it narrowed down to a Heavenly Handspinning Bellus (it's got a bike tire as the wheel). it's on the cheaper end of the scale, which is why it appealed to me.

But the more I thought about it, the more i wanted something that would last me a long time, through beginning, and be able to take alot of mileage. So I narrowed it down to an Ashford Kiwi.

Then.../sigh and then, i stumbled upon the Kromski Fantasia. It's such a pretty little wheel, and i was going to spend a little extra on this one, because of the look, the portability...but watching a video i realized i'd have to put out alot of money for the fast flyer add-on and such, plus i couldn't find any deals that came with practice fiber, or extra bobbins, or anything, I know the wheel is new (just came out this month) and if i get a second wheel EVER, i'll probably get this one.

But i went back to the Ashford Kiwi. I purchased it through Copper Moose on Ebay. The lot came with (get this) the Fast Flyer, A Niddy Noddy, and a POUND of corriedale fiber to learn with. the kit also comes with 3 bobbins and a lazy kate, the bobbins are easily purchased if i feel i need more (probably will eventually.) and the best part! FREE ups shipping (2-7 days), so in theory i'll be spinning by the Fiber Guild meeting on Sunday the 21st! /dance

I joined the Ashford Kiwi group on ravelry, and someone mentioned that they can just put their kiwi in their daughter's car seat and strap it is, so it's easy to travel with! yay, so even though it doesn't fold, I'll be able to move it from place to place.

The love of my life strapped in most of the time, Kaeley, NOT the goat...

And the Ashford i just need to decide if i want to paint it.

oh, and i've already decided on her name, Arachne


  1. Good choice. I'm glad you decided against the Bellus; personally, a Babe would have been better. But the Kiwi was one of the wheels on my list before I decided on my Lendrum.

    So when are we all getting together to spin?

  2. When it gets here of course!!!!

    I thought about a Babe, but it seemed like it might actually be too light, we have tile in the whole house and i didn't want it to slide around on me.

    (this cheers up my whole, crappy week!)
