I had a job interview (exam...thingy) yesterday - monday. Part 1- Dewey Decimal System..good thing i know that, Part 2 - Alphabetize. good thing i knows my abc's! but 90 people applying for one job opening, doesn't seem promising. /sigh I'll keep lookin.
Husbeast started his new job, well, new old job, he's back at Burger King (yay.../sarcasm). But work is work, and he'll keep his eyes open, or so he says.
Kaeley get to go to the circus on saturday! Richard is making noises like he doesn't want to go, so mom said i could have his ticket! I haven't been to the circus in years, and Kae's not been either..../dance!
On the knitting front, i'm pluggin away on a baby blanket i started last week, i'm about half done 106 rows of 160 before i can start the decreases. Nazzie is having a girl, and it gets some ancient acrylic out of my stash, plus, it's mindless, after the Saroyan i just finished, i need mindless. Also, i can read while knitting this, working on the Tattoo Faerie books right now =D
On the Spinning front, i've finished my first 2-ply and skeined it. And i have a thread-plied 43 yards of Merino drying in the shower. The merino was leftovers from my first attempt at Drop spindling. and i spun up the Caterpillar batt for the BohemianKnitterChic Spin-a-long while watching Where the Wild Things Are. It's pretty, the milk fiber gave me a little bit of trouble, but the faux cashmere was a dream, i wants more of that! I still have the Queen of Hearts batt to spin up, and my Demeter Batt for Fiber-Fancy's Greek Goddess Spin-a-long is here! plus i broke down and bought The Unseelie Court from Corgi Hill Farms.../sigh
.so pictures!
First two pictures are the 2-ply, then Caterpillar, then Merino, Demeter Batt and then Unseelie Court.
Lovely handspuns!