Girl Scout cookie time!!
Our local sale starts January 24th and runs through February 17th.
This morning we (mom and I) went to the cookie cupboard and picked up our troops cookies. All 97 cases of them.
After stacking them by species we spend two hours sorting each girls cases from "booth cookies".
If you don't have a daughter, have never been involved in scouts as an adult, or been involved but didn't care...I seriously suggest you thank your local troop leaders and cookie parents.
The amount of crap we go through, rules we have to follow and hoops we have to jump through, not only for council but for other parents (and the general public during cookie season) is ridiculous!
Enjoy your cookies, help your local troops, support the scouts of America. These girls, boys and registered adults work REALLY hard to bring you these products, for very little in return.
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